There She Goes
  • Trailer

  • Watchlist

Starring David Tennant, this comedy drama shines a light on the everyday struggles and triumphs of a family looking after their severely learning disabled nine-year-old girl, Rosie.

  • Comedy
  • Year 2018 - 2023
  • 3 Seasons

Starring David Tennant, this comedy drama shines a light on the everyday struggles and triumphs of a family looking after their severely learning disabled nine-year-old girl, Rosie.

  1. Year: 2018
  • There She Goes S1 E1

    E1 • One Day in the Life of Rosie Yates

    1. 29min
    2. TV-MA
    3. CC
    4. HD

    It's a typical Saturday for Rosie, a nine-year-old girl with a severe developmental disability, as her family tries to get her to the park.

  • There She Goes S1 E2

    E2 • Bubble Chess

    1. 29min
    2. TV-14
    3. CC
    4. HD

    It's bath night for Rosie and, as usual, that means chaos as she insists on having all the bubble bath. Emily decides that she needs to form a strategy.

  • There She Goes S1 E3

    E3 • What Rosie Wants

    1. 28min
    2. TV-14
    3. CC
    4. HD

    A trip to the swimming pool ends in disaster when Rosie decides she hates it. Emily wonders if it's just that she wanted to do something else.

  • There She Goes S1 E4

    E4 • The Wrong Grandad

    1. 30min
    2. TV-MA
    3. CC
    4. HD

    While Simon and Emily go on a rare night out, nana and grandad look after the kids.

  • There She Goes S1 E5

    E5 • Ben

    1. 29min
    2. TV-MA
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Rosie is incredibly excited because there's going to be a birthday with lots of presents! But it's Ben's birthday, not Rosie's.

  • Cast
  • David Tennant


  • Jessica Hynes


  • Miley Locke


  • Edan Hayhurst


  • Crew
  • Simon Hynd


  • Sharon Horgan


  • Clelia Mountford


  • Alex Moody


  • Shaun Pye
