Downton Abbey Extras
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Get your embroidered hankies ready as we go behind the scenes with the cast and crew detail their days on Downton Abbey and examine the making of the cultural phenomenon.

  • Factual
  • Year 2020 - 2021
  • 1 Season

Get your embroidered hankies ready as we go behind the scenes with the cast and crew detail their days on Downton Abbey and examine the making of the cultural phenomenon.

  1. Year: 2021
  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E1

    E1 • Writing Downton Abbey

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    A close look at Julian Fellowes's genuinity in creating the script for Donwton Abbey, his ability to create 3-dimenstional relatable characters, and the dynamic staging of every remarkable moments.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E2

    E2 • Making of a Cult Series

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    The Creators discuss what it takes to develop a series of such lasting power and cult status.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E3

    E3 • Behind the Scenes of Downton Abbey

    1. 8min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    The actors and crew give practical and anecdotal insights behind the scenes of the production process.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E4

    E4 • Historic Authenticity

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Historical advisor Alastair Bruce and the cast talk about their method in understanding the historical context and create an authentic mindset and actions for the characters.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E5

    E5 • Dressed for Success

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Costume designer Susannah Buxton and the cast discuss the role and practicalities of the costumes and trace the changes in costume throughout the series.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E6

    E6 • The House as Character

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Downton Abbey is a character in itself, not only as a symbol of maintaining the heritage for the Crawley family, but also as a home and space to move around.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E7

    E7 • Leaps in Time

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Downton Abbey traces many historic shifts from aristocratic highlife of the Edwardian Period through WW1 and beyond - including political views to gender roles.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E8

    E8 • Acting in Downton Abbey

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Find out what it means to act in a series with such a high-level cast and how the cast grew to become a family.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E9

    E9 • The Women of Downton

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Delve into on the roles and shifts of Downton’s female characters and the rising awareness of women's rights during the time.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E10

    E10 • Upstairs: Marriage

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Marriage may be practical alliances but it is also the interplay with romance and choice. We trace the meaning and importance of marriage throughout Downton Abbey and the characters' thought on it.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E11

    E11 • Downstairs: Romance

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Downstairs emotions are running high, especially among the younger staff, and drama plays out as rivalry and war are added to the mix.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E12

    E12 • Upstairs: Keeping Up Appearances

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    The ultimate playbook of the British Aristocracy and its drastic change through time. See how Matthew Crawley's role becomes a key narrative as he is trying to establish himself in a new environment.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E13

    E13 • Downstairs: Running the House

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    The Downstairs cast tell us how they came to understand their roles in the households as essential in keeping the house and thus the family going.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E14

    E14 • Downton at War

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Season 2 launches us into the depth of WW1, with the seismic shifts this had on every aspect of people's lives, from fighting in the trenches to running the house as a convalescent home, to evolvements in class and gender roles.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E15

    E15 • The Kitchen: Feeding Downton

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    The Downton kitchen has a multitude of roles, a hive of activity and a space for staff narratives. The kitchen cast discuss the significance of the kitchen and what it takes to feed the family.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E16

    E16 • Upstairs & Downstairs: The Delicate Balance

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    Cast & crew discuss the world of upstairs & downstairs as it stands when Downton begins, with age-old aristocratic rules that have to be upheld and the employment and pride and family the house provides for the staff.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E17

    E17 • Upstairs & Downstairs: Rocking the Boat

    1. 10min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    As the series progresses, unusual friendships and connections develop between the upstairs and downstairs world, challenging the rigid divides and adding drama and intriguing human connection.

  • Downton Abbey Extras S1 E18

    E18 • The Sisters of Downton

    1. 9min
    2. TV-G
    3. CC
    4. HD

    We focus on the relationships of the three sisters to each other and how they grow and change throughout the series.

  • Cast
  • Maggie Smith

  • Julian Fellowes

  • Hugh Bonneville

  • Elizabeth McGovern

  • Michelle Dockery

  • Jim Carter

  • Brendan Coyle

  • Joanne Froggatt

  • Sophie McShera

  • Lesley Nicol

  • Penelope Wilton

  • Robert James-Collier

  • Dan Stevens

  • Jessica Brown Findlay

  • Lily James