In a town hit by a devastating flood, police find an unidentified man dead in an elevator and assume he was trapped by rising waters. But PC Joanna Marshall is determined to discover what happened and why. New episodes available on Mondays.
- Mystery
- Year 2024
- 1 Season
In a town hit by a devastating flood, police find an unidentified man dead in an elevator and assume he was trapped by rising waters. But PC Joanna Marshall is determined to discover what happened and why. New episodes available on Mondays.
- Year: 2024
- Cast
Sophie Rundle
PC Joanna Marshall
Matt Stokoe
Pat Holman
Jonas Armstrong
Lee Ellison
Anita Adam Gabay
Tasha Eden
Lorraine Ashbourne
Molly Marshall
Philip Glenister
Jack Radcliffe
Faye McKeever
Daniel Betts
James Quinn
Chris Robinson
Arthur McBain
Daniel Eden
Nicholas Gleaves
Sergeant Phil Mackie
Tripti Tripuraneni
Deepa Das
Jacqueline Boatswain
Sarah Mackie
Heider Ali
DS Babak
- Crew
Mick Ford
Roanne Bardsley